Health and Wellness

Classroom-based teaching and learning is at the center of what we do at Boston University Academy. Increasingly, however, we know that first-rate teaching and learning cannot happen without the thoughtful pairing of student support resources. This extends to advising, social-emotional support, and student health and wellness. 

bbin娱乐平台 students have access to a Registered Nurse during regular school hours. The nurse is a practitioner with BU’s Student Health Services, and is available to bbin娱乐平台 students daily.

Throughout the year, bbin娱乐平台 partners with offices and departments at Boston University as well as with outside practitioners to facilitate workshops for both students and parents on:

  • Drugs and alcohol
  • Sexual education
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Sleep
  • Nutrition
  • Exercise
  • Time management
  • And more